TSNICKYKALLAS - Transsexual Escort in Secaucus, NJ

Secaucus, NJ
Last On: 24 Mar, 16:10
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Home Secaucus, NJ
GPS Secaucus, NJ
Distance N/A
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my stats
I Am Transsexual
Age 29
Ethnicity Latin
Body Athletic
Position Versatile
Height 5'8" - 170 cm
Weight 135lbs - 61 kg
Hair Brown
Eye Color Brown
Breasts Small
Penis Size 7 In - 17cm
Butt Round /bubble butt/
Available For Men
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
ts escort in Secaucus, NJ
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For those of you wondering where I am from, I am From Colombia. Therefore I speak Spanish and English fluently. Spanish is my first language though.

PEOPLE CALLING FROM FAKE AP NUMBERS WILL BE BLOCKED!! I have taken great care in providing an abundance of information in order to make your encounter with me as comfortable and relaxing as possible. I stand apart from the rest – my hallmark is exotic passionate, adventrous sexuality and so much more. From. I appreciate a gentleman who appreciates the company of an elite who is both sexy and intelligent. I always seek personal growth, peace and compassion. My zest for life and passion for others will be certain to seduce you. I also love to be very sensual and erotic kinky and





    The EROTIC REVIEW is now back & accessible from the United States TER ID (230717) I am a highly-reviewed and well known provider nationwide. Please DO NOT contact me with explicit talk or vulgar text messages . WWW. NICKYKALLAS.COM or my twitter for more pics and updates @nickykallasxxxx



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