TSDianaVeracruz - Trans woman Escort in Monterey, CA

my location
Home Monterey, CA
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my stats
I Am Trans woman
Age 36
Ethnicity Mixed
Body Slim
Position Versatile
Height 6'3" - 187 cm
Weight 210lbs - 95 kg
Hair Brown
Eye Color Brown
Breasts Medium
Penis Size 5 In - 12cm
Butt Large
Available For All
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings Yes
Smoking No
Thickness Thick
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
Incall 500
Outcall 500
Overnight 2000
ts escort in Monterey, CA
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About Me

Your Personal Pleasure Daemon

Hello, I am TS service provider Diana Veracruz, succubus of the seven hells & mistress of the burning realms. Would you love to lose yourself in wicked delights full of sensual pleasures while making memories as precious as treasures? Then look no further & read on to learn the incantations & energy necessitated to conjure your own personal pleasure daemon.

After carving out the demonic runestones you must place your hands together to create the spiritual link, open your thoughts to the nether plane, and then bring forth the required offering of souls. Once this is complete feel free to contact me for the necessary magic incantations.

When initially contacting me; please provide the following information:
Your age and race. I don't discriminate!
The amount of time you would like to see me for and when?
Will you be coming to me or will I be coming to you for the meeting?

I do my best to answer e-mails & texts between 10 am & 12 am.
Social Connections

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TSDianaVeracruz's interview

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Our Personal TS Escort Interviews are a great way to give a little bit of personal and even intimate information about your escort experience. Get to know her better before you call!