RiggsLovesTS - Escort in San Leandro, CA

San Leandro, CA
Last On: 10 Dec, 2022
my location
Home San Leandro, CA
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My stats
I Am Straight client
Age 57
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Muscular
Height 5'9" - 174 cm
Weight 165lbs - 74 kg
Hair Gray
Eye Color Brown
Health Status
This site prohibits any offer or solicitation for prostitution. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and any activity which takes place outside of this site is beyond our control and is meant to strictly be between consenting adults.

About Me

Respectful, Clean, Fun, Funny and *******

I like to laugh, have fun and enjoy a bit of "me" time now and again. I respect boundaries and am a nice guy. I understand how all of this works. My expectations are in line with reality. I am ******. My hygiene is excellent. My breath and body smell sweet. I am well dressed, groomed, well spoken and well educated. I am a ********. I am totally D free and have my results. I enjoy the company of pretty, vers Ladies who like their work, don't rush and are sincere. I especially like FULL GFE!!! I can take either top or bottom role or we can simply play and let it all happen.

In the 80's I worked in NYC Fashion District. My mentor taught me, "You can do business with anyone but doing business with people you like, who like you, is priceless."

In-call only, please. Discretion when messaging me please. Thank you.

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