OceanVibes - Escort in Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA
Last On: 25 Mar, 23:20
my location
Home Savannah, GA
GPS Savannah, GA
Distance N/A
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My stats
I Am Bisexual client
Age 35
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Muscular
Height 5'9" - 174 cm
Weight 220lbs - 100 kg
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
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About Me

Good vibes

Super easy going guy looking for fun times with cool people. I’m a muscular build with a bit of a dad bod or “huskular”. My two biggest fantasies are: meeting someone chill enough to introduce to my wife for a threesome (she’s a bombshell) and the other is… to… umm… be spitroasted lol.

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