Carlita - Transsexual Escort in Elmhurst, IL

Elmhurst, IL
Last On: 27 Feb, 20:29
my location
Home Elmhurst, IL
GPS Elmhurst, IL
Distance N/A
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my stats
I Am Transsexual
Age 37
Ethnicity Latin
Body Athletic
Height 5'6" - 164 cm
Weight 140lbs - 63 kg
Hair Black
Eye Color Hazel
Breasts Large
Available For Men
Health Status
ts escort in Elmhurst, IL
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About Me

Relaxing artístic pampering by a Nice T

My new number is
630 440 9315. The 323 was hacked.thanks

Hi, my name is Carlita, Im a very nice and trained masseuse who will pamper you with a nice mass×s**ag**e at the rythm of New Age Music on a mat floor , is a mix of deep tissue, thai and tantric style at my private and cozy place, all sorrounded with my art work on the walls, because Im also a visual artist, is a very artistict style, all the session is at the rythm of the music, so I know you Will love and you will return.

In this session, I always will treat you with respect and I hope the same from you.

I promise I will put my heart on it, so just please be on time if you decide to set any meeting, also I will treat you with all respect and I know you will do the same
I'm located in the Northwest subs.
No text. No mails.
No improper conversation.
Thanks so much .
Have a wonderful day¡
180x50 mins session

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